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One theme that is very common with clients and workers in the helping professions is self-care. Often clients and workers look after others very well but neglect their own self-care needs. I am passionate about the benefits of good self-care. Through coaching, education, understanding, awareness, and action I can others to manage and reduce the negative impacts that can come from being overwhelmed in parenting and working in the helping fields.


ALL kinds of CHANGES are possible


Coaching gives you focus and direction. I can help you work out what changes you need to make in your life – big or small – and how to make them happen. They could relate to your work, personal life, health, or relationships – or any combination of these.

So if you are you the go-to person in your family, or are in a helping profession You are always looking after others and don't have time for yourself. Perhaps you are a busy Mum, juggling the needs of your family, or you are a carer for others, giving comfort and assistance, or a worker in the helping professions hearing tough stuff daily. Want to chat about it, achieve a better balance in your home or work life?ng sessions typically run over a four to six week period, so you’ll start to see changes very quickly and feel that you’re heading in the right direction. In the process, you’ll learn more about yourself: your own inner strengths, what you want out of life, and how to take the initiative.

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